Sunday, December 6, 2015

Study of Gerome bust

This is 'Bust of Jean-Léon Gérôme' by Jean Baptiste Carpeaux which I studied. Here's the process.
My goal was brush economy... not to overpolish, and interpreting reference, not just a pure copy. It took several hours-- longer than I'd like. But the brushwork came out ok (still want to get more economical), forms look readable. I had awesome reference, the photo below.

ps. transparency lock and guides. any means necessary!

1. Blobs.
2. I used vertical downward textured brushstrokes to try to preserve gesture and carve the form in an interesting way

3a. Rendering. I worked with a grayscale adjustment layer on top to focus strictly on value. That's why there's pink on his forehead.. but it didn't appear that way while adjustment layer was visible ^_^... 

3b. More rendering. The double looking edge on the right of my drawing is cause i had to do major surgery to make his head thinner (copy the layer and transform), and then I merged layers. I'll clean that up later.

4. I had polished my render and then added color (color layers). Further polish with normal, screen, multiply, whatever I needed in that moment. Needed to repaint some hair, some of it is grey 'cause I went back to grayscale to fix stuff
5. Surgery to correct hairline and polishing lights and darks. Used lasso to nix that weird edge i talked about in step 3.

6. Final lighting polish. Done
